You can have your package sent to Zoku prior to or during your stay. In order to make sure the package gets into the right hands, it is crucial to write the ‘ship-to’ address including your reservation number for confirmation. The proper mailing address to be used for the shipment of boxes or other parcels to Zoku is as follows:

Zoku Amsterdam
The name on your reservation and confirmation number (this is crucial!)
Weesperstraat 105
1018 VN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: (Your phone number)

Please inform us when you are expecting a package by sending an e-mail to or calling +31 20 811 28 11.

Upon receipt, parcels are placed in Zoku’s receiving room. When your package is received before its intended arrival, a message is added to your reservation as a reminder upon check-in. You can contact one of our Sidekicks in order to collect your mail.

If we receive your package during your stay, one of our Sidekicks will try to give call your Loft.

For safety reasons, Zoku will not accept any packages, letters, including concert tickets after check-out. We cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged goods.