Sign up & get 10% off every stay
Create a free account and automatically get up to 10% off all future stays.
here's what you get
Automatically save every time
Because who doesn’t love easy savings?
When you book via our website, you’ll say goodbye to hidden fees, benefit from a totally secure payment service, and save up to 10% every time you book. And once you create an account for one location, you can use the same login for any future Zoku journey!
Find a better rate on another website? Well that should never be the case! If you email us at or reach out to us directly, we’ll always make sure to match any other rates you find online. Plus you’re supporting our growing business this way!
It’s like talking to a friend, or at least a super helpful one.
Wave goodbye to email frustration and misinformation from other travel sites. With us, you’re in expert hands! Our reservations team not only offers top-notch service, but also in-depth property knowledge and local tips and tricks. We can assure that you’ll always get the best (and human) experience when you book with us!
Make your stay with us even more memorable.
It’s not too late to add some extras to your stay. Whether you want to lie in with late check-out, rent a bike to hop around Amsterdam, or even add some delicious breakfast to your stay, you can do all of the above through your member portal. Pro-tip: breakfast is an extra 15% off if you book it before your stay!
Extra long stay perks
Get even more benefits if you stay 2 weeks or more.
Our community is a diverse mix of long-stay residents, co-working members, and local neighbors. Our motto? Everyone’s welcome! Check out some of the rituals led by our on-site Community Manager below, so you know what to expect if you stay with us for longer:
- Fika/Hygge: Daily social coffee & treat break in our rooftop co-working spaces to mix and mingle with other coworkers
- Community Dinner: Hosted bi-weekly for long-stay residents to get to know one another over good conversation and a good meal.
- Check-In Chat: Scheduled the first week of arrival to help long-stay residents get settled and more rooted in local culture